I forgive but I will never forget

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When Kenny and I got married his family was the last to know. We hid it from them because they wanted us to get married in December but we got married in June. The day we got married we traveled to Ohio for a visit and kept our marriage a secret the whole time. They finally did find out and Kenny's dad ignored him for three months. That August came and I found out I was pregnant. Kenny shared this news with his family and they did not think the baby was Kenny's. The whole time i was pregnant they were counting down the days until I had keegan. He was due in may but I had him in April. Kenny's grandma slipped up and told me that I better make sure I didn't have the baby until April or they would know the baby was not Kenny's. 

OK for starters I am not a slut and Kenny was the only one I was sleeping with. Now a woman has to be pregnant for 9 months. And the whole 9 months I did not receive anything for Keegan from Kenny's parents. Then came April 21, 2007 and my water broke at 6:30 am. We went to the hospital and on the way there I thought we were going to die before I got there and not because I was in pain but because Kenny did not go to sleep until 6 am that morning thanks to World of War craft. I was in labor for 10 hours when the doctor suggested we do a c-section because the baby was not progressing. So hesitantly I agreed. Then finally at 5:19 pm keegan Allen Pownell was born. When he came out he was the spitting image of his daddy. When Kenny's parents saw the pictures of my beautiful baby boy they ate their words. Remember when they did not think Keegan was Kenny's well HAHAHAHAHAHA. Serves you right. And of course that brings us to today. Whats so funny is Kenny's parents buy keegan the most expensive gifts there is for a baby. And why because they have all the money in the world. 

HA not even close its because they regret what they did and said when I was pregnant with him. The moral of this story is be sure you actually know a person before you pass judgement.....because it could come back and kick you in the butt!!!

Out of place

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There was a time before I called Michigan my home but after we moved from South Carolina that was sketchy. Our first stop was Ohio. My husband, Kenny, parents live there and we were going to move there. That idea worked well for 3 weeks. Then came the I hate my job speech and Kenny got a job offer at Davey tree in Michigan. For those who do not know what that is, it is a tree trimming company. Guess what though? The job was in Michigan. Kenny and I went to Michigan for a visit and for his interview. He got the job. Remember we already had an apartment rented in Ohio.

  Usually someone getting a job is a happy time right? Well not for me the day after we got back the talk about me and Keegan not being able to move with Kenny came. I fought back the tears and told him I would do what he wanted if this job was what he really wanted to do. Of course he did. A chance to get away from all his responsibilities. Away from me and Keegan and all our pets.  The next question was where would Keegan and I stay. The only choice was Kenny's parent's house. OHHHH WHAT FUN! I thought to myself. So then came time to ask his parents if I could stay there. They agreed. Which I am grateful for. Here is where is gets rough. You have Kenny's mom and dad, his sister their two dogs, rabbit, and 3 birds all in one house. With us moving in we added one more dog and 2 ferrets. An equation for disaster....my thoughts exactly. A few days went by and I moved my life into this tiny blue room along with my son and Kenny moved away to his new life. Then hell brakes loose. I finally found a job at this wonderful daycare. I loved this job. To me it was my sanctuary and a place to get away from it all. I got a car that I needed to get back and forth to work in which was a great thing for me. Four weeks went by before keegan and I saw kenny again. After I got my car we drove up there because I couldn't take another day without seeing him. I had a great weekend. Then Sunday comes and life starts again. Apparently sometime in in the next two weeks kenny's mom starts having issues with me. Not that i really cared but the way she went about tell me was stupid. She waited until kenny came home and said "we need to talk there are some issues I have." So we went out to her garage and talked. Apparently Kenny is my parent or something and she had to make sure he knew all about it too. There really wasn't any problems she just wanted to gripe about me.

You see she never has cared much for me anyway.  They have a washer and dryer down in the basement and if the machine was full I left my basket down there and waited until it was free to use. Apparently she took that as me saying I wanted her to wash my laundry and I didn't this was issue # 1. The second issue was that I was lazy and did not clean their house. Ok hold everything and wait just a minute. I worked ten hours and day and she thought I should come home and clean her house. HA not gonna happen.  Anyways the talk finally ended and so did the weekend. I did change my ways some, I made sure the dishes I used got washed. I made sure i did my own laundry. But do you think this was the end of her problems with me NOOOOO. They kept going until finally the hardest day of my life came. I had been working at the daycare now for four months and I was so tired of having to live with them. So i started talking to Kenny and we were getting everything together so I could move. We were sitting on the back porch one day for dinner, the weather was beautiful, but inside the house was not. Keegan had just gone to the bathroom and he did not want to put his clothes back on. As I walked through the house to where Keegan and guess who...wait for it.....my mother in law were I heard her tell my two year old that he was STUPID just like his daddy because he did not want to put his pull up on or his clothes. OK stop the tape. Did she just say what I think she said. Maybe my ears aren't working. Here we have a 40 some year old woman calling my 2 year old baby stupid. That's it I had it. I don't care what it was going to take Keegan and I are out of there before the end of the month.  So September of 2009 we moved to Michigan and life was going to be all better right???? WRONG...But thats another story.